Everything you need to know about the health benefits of blueberries

Spring is upon us, which means for those folks in Florida, it is a blueberry season! It is time to start gobbling up those sweet, plump, delicious and convenient blueberries either straight out of the container, mixed in with pancakes, piled on top of whip cream on your favorite dessert, or in any other tasty dish you can imagine.

Blueberries have been part of American culture for thousands of years, and people are only just realizing the helpful benefits blueberries contain. Some of the many nutrients found in blueberries include vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, & K, iron, fluoride, phosphorous, manganese, potassium, zinc and calcium. In addition to all the nutrients, blueberries have few calories, very little sugar, low carbs, and in lot of good fiber.

Don’t forget about the antioxidants found in blueberries. Antioxidants can help stave off cancer, aging, and encourage other helpful benefits. They can even reduce DNA damage.

Blueberries have recently been found to counteract age-related memory loss and brain function in general.. Again, the antioxidants are thought to be responsible.

Another health benefit of blueberries is reducing a body’s level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDLs are the bad cholesterol, and HDLs (high-density lipoprotein) are the good cholesterol.

Do you have high blood pressure? Then you need to eat some blueberries. Just a couple of ounces every day have been proven beneficial for blood pressure. Similarly, blueberries have been known to be a good way to keep away the number one cause of death in the world, heart disease.

What else could blueberries possibly be good for? Vision! The antioxidants along with Vitamin A, E, & C and zinc are all beneficial for vision. Vitamin C is good for fighting glaucoma, Vitamin A reduces swelling in the eyes, Vitamin E protects against cataracts, and zinc helps protect against macular degeneration and night blindness.

To live a truly healthy lifestyle, one should seriously consider eating blueberries every day.

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