Blueberry Juice Might Be Easier

The blueberry phenomenon keeps growing stronger as the health benefits of blueberries are continuously being discovered. The incredibly beautiful and very tasty ‘superfood’ is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for your healthy living. It is recommended that adults eat between 1-2 cups of blueberries every day. But for some people, drinking blueberry juice can be a much quicker and more convenient alternative than eating so many blueberries.

You can simply buy your blueberry juice at the grocery store, or you can make your own using fresh or frozen blueberries. To make delicious blueberry juice, put some blueberries in a pot and barely cover with water. Turn the heat to medium and bring to a boil. Then turn off the burner, remove the pot from the stove. and mash the blueberries with a wooden spoon. Bring the blueberry mash to a boil, and remove from heat immediately. Strain the blueberries, mash any of the remaining blueberry pieces, and strain again. Taste the juice, and thin it out with water or soda water until you get your desired consistency. You can add some lemon along with honey or any other type of sweetener.

Several potential health benefits can be achieved by drinking blueberry juice. The University of Michigan conducted a study that suggested blueberries can be instrumental in weight loss. Several other studies have shown that the antioxidants in blueberries help fight off free radicals, resulting in a slowing of the aging process. The antioxidants are also believed to assist in a having a healthier brain and delaying potential cognitive impairment.

Other health benefits attributed to blueberries include heart disease prevention, insulin control for diabetics, prevention and treatment for urinary tract infections, muscle damage relief and healing, lowering of blood pressure, improved eye health, and aid in erectile dysfunction.


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