Blueberry Hill Farm

Blueberry Hill Farm

Farm Name: Blueberry Hill Farm


Please Note: We recommend only using Google Maps for directions as Mapquest, Yahoo, and GPS’s will often send you to the wrong location. Map and GPS services can sometimes have difficulty mapping the actual farm and can lead you past our entrance on Berry Groves Road. Keep an eye out for signage. We are approximately a quarter mile after the “fish hook” curve on the left side of the road.

Directions From Groveland From Groveland Fl. and Hwy 50 go south on Hwy 33 for 10 miles, turn west(right) on Berry Groves Rd continue for 1.6 mi to the farm. Follow signs!

Directions to farm from Groveland(Orlando) Directions From Lakeland From Lakeland, Fl and Interstate 4 exit off onto Hwy 33 go north 26 miles to Berry Groves Rd. turn west(left) go 1.6 mi to farm. Follow the signs!

Directions to farm from Lakeland Directions from Four Corners From Hwy 27 and CR 474(Four Corners) go west 8 miles on CR 474 and turn north on Hwy 33 go 2 miles and turn west(left) on Berry Groves Rd go 1.6 miles to farm. Follow the signs!

Directions from Four Corners(Hwy 27 & CR 474)

Directions from The Villages Go south on US Hwy 27 thru Leesburg approximately 2 miles past Leesburg High turn right on Hwy 33 (blue sign) for 12 miles to Hwy 50 Go a couple of miles on Hwy 50 and turn right (South) on Hwy 33 (white sign/RaceTrak on corner) Go 10 miles on Hwy 33 and turn right on Berry Groves Rd. Once on Hwy 33 look for our bright yellow and blue signs that will lead you to the farm.

Directions from The Villages

Additional Information:

Details: Family friendly farm Weekly Blueberry U-pick NOW through June 1, 2020 Open 7 days a week, 9am-5pm each day Organic and Conventional Blueberries For more information call Anna at 863-944-1401 Pricing: *as of April 3 (prices may change without notice) U-pick $4 per lb.

U-pick organics $7.50 per lb.

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