Characteristics of Blueberries

Blueberry bushes available commercially allow the home gardener to grow and enjoy fresh berries. The bushes are available in several varieties, each with slightly different characteristics, although most blueberry varieties share many features. Understanding the characteristics helps you select the appropriate blueberry variety and care for the new berry bushes.


Blueberries come in three main varieties — low-bush, high-bush and rabbit-eye. Low-bush blueberries typically grow between 2 and 4 feet. The low-bush species is better suited for cooler climates, as they generally need more cool time to perform well. High-bush blueberries grow 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall or more. Gardeners have the option of several varieties of high-bush blueberries that are suitable for different climates. Rabbit-eye blueberries also grow several feet high but are suited specifically for hot climates that don’t experience extreme cold in the winter.


Blueberry bushes add visually to the landscape in addition to providing fruit. In the spring and summer, blueberry bushes feature green leaves. White or pink flowers grow on the blueberry bushes in the spring. The blooms make way for deep blue berries during the summer. The size, specific shade and flavor of the berries varies by variety. Many varieties of blueberry bushes have leaves that change color to red, yellow or similar fall foliage colors as autumn approaches.

Growing Conditions

Blueberry bushes grow best in a sunny, well-drained area of acidic soil with a pH ranging from 3.5 to 5. Organic matter added to the soil helps create an ideal growing environment. In mild climates, blueberries can be planted from fall to early spring. A gap of at least 5 feet between plants allows the blueberry bushes to grow well. High-bush varieties may require more space between plants since they grow to be larger.


Blueberry plants need consistent irrigation to allow the shallow roots to absorb water. During summer, the bushes typically need 1 inch of water each week spread between two applications to keep soil uniformly moist without saturation, which can cause root rot. Young blueberry bushes need only light pruning to get rid of unhealthy branches. After growing for three years, pruning each year when the plant is dormant promotes healthy growth. Older branches or narrow, weak new shoots are pruned each year to allow the hardy branches to thrive.

  • Sunset: Blueberries
  • University of California Cooperative Extension: Growing Blueberries on the North Coast
  • NC State University: Growing Blueberries in the Home Garden

Based in the Midwest, Shelley Frost has been writing parenting and education articles since 2007. Her experience comes from teaching, tutoring and managing educational after school programs. Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a reading endorsement.

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