How To Grow Blueberries In Florida

how to grow blueberries in florida

Different types of blueberries grow in Florida.

These include rabbiteye, southern highbush, and northern low bush varieties.

The most common type is the Rabbiteye variety which can be grown as a shrub or small tree depending on your preference.

After five years, it produces large berries with a sweet-tart flavor and reaches about six to nine feet tall.

Rabbiteye blueberries can be grown in most parts of the state with some exceptions, including high elevations over 500ft and areas that experience very hot summers or deep freezes during winter.

Southern Highbush: These types produce fruit with a sweeter flavor than rabbiteye, but they are more susceptible to mildews, leaf spots, and pests.

They are grown as shrubs or small trees reaching about six to nine feet tall after five years.

Southern highbush varieties produce the most fruit per plant of all types but are not very tolerant of cold weather, which can cause flower bud damage in early spring.

However, they do well during long warm summers with hot, humid conditions.

Northern Low Bush: This type is also known as wild blueberries and thrives in acidic soils that are low in nutrients with a pH level between four and five.

They produce the smallest berries, but they have a delicious sweet flavor much like their highbush counterparts, which can be eaten fresh or cooked into pies, muffins, jams, and other desserts.

They are also the most cold-tolerant of all three types but do not grow as tall, reaching only about two feet in height after five years.

The best time to plant your blueberry bushes is early spring, when night temperatures remain above 40°F and day temperatures do not exceed 80° F.

However, they can be planted all year round.

Choose an area with full to partial sun exposure and well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

If the soil’s pH level is too high, it can be corrected by adding sulfur, or if low, lime can be used to raise levels that will increase nutrient uptake for better growth.

Prepare your planting site by removing weeds before planting and space bushes about six to eight feet apart.

When planting, make sure the plant’s crown is level with the soil surface and cover your root system by filling in gaps around them with topsoil or compost, which will keep weeds away from their shallow roots.

Water your blueberry plants every few days during periods of drought but water deeply once a week to prevent the soil from drying out completely.

Prune your bushes during dormancy in early spring by cutting back all diseased, broken, and old branches while making sure you leave some green growth on each plant for photosynthesis purposes.

When growing blueberries in Florida, it is important to keep them well-watered until they are established, taking at least a year.

Fertilize your bushes every spring with a balanced fertilizer low in nitrogen, high in phosphorus and potassium, such as an eight-six-four or five-five-six ratio.

Follow the dosage recommended on packaging regarding how much you should apply around each plant which will vary depending on your soil conditions.

Blueberries are susceptible to pests like fruit flies, borers, and fungus diseases, so monitoring your plants throughout the growing season is important.

If signs of infestation are detected, you can apply organic or chemical pesticides specifically made for blueberry bushes according to product label instructions which should only be done when needed as overuse will damage them further.

The last thing you want to do is overwater or fertilize your blueberry bushes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary work and damage to the plants.

You must keep them well-watered until they have developed deep roots, which will take at least one year, so be patient with yours when it comes to watering, especially during hot summer months.

How do you prepare the soil for growing blueberries in Florida?

how do you prepare the soil for growing blueberries in florida

Preparing soil for growing blueberries in Florida can be a daunting task.

It’s best to get help from an expert if you don’t have any gardening experience and plant fruit trees.

However, we will walk you through preparing your soil for blueberry bushes or plants (they propagate easily by cuttings).

The first step is to remove any grass or weeds since blueberries are sensitive to weed-killers.

They will compete for nutrients and water in the soil.

You’ll then need to till your garden area thoroughly, removing all roots that you can find (voles love digging around in freshly tilled earth).

If you have a shovel, go ahead and break up the clumps of dirt.

Hire a landscaper or a contractor to install a watering system that you can control from your computer if you want to ensure that it’s moist when rain doesn’t fall for long periods.

Fertilize with compost at least once every year after planting, but you can fertilize twice a year if desired.

How do you propagate blueberries in Florida?

how do you propagate blueberries in florida

Blueberries propagate by seed, which can be sown at any time of the year.

You can also grow plants from cuttings or layers, but seeds offer a wider choice of cultivars and are most cost-effective.

The best way to start growing blueberry plants is by purchasing young bare rootstock with good roots that are free of any signs of disease.

Typically, blueberry plants are available in three forms: bare root, balled and burlaped (B&B), or containerized.

The best time to plant is during the winter months when dormant for cold hardiness but still alive because they have not yet experienced freezing temperatures, which may kill the plants.

Rooted cuttings can be planted throughout the year as they are not susceptible to cold damage.

They should be protected from excess moisture during periods of freezing temperatures, particularly if it is combined with wind chill, which may cause desiccation and plant tissue death.

Some gardeners prefer rooting softwood shoots in summer for planting out in the winter.

How much light do blueberries in Florida need?

how much light do blueberries in florida need

Blueberries need at least six hours of sunlight a day to grow properly.

If they don’t receive enough light, they can stop blooming and ripening.

This means that you won’t get any fruit from your blueberry bush for an entire season if it doesn’t have enough sun exposure.

How do you water blueberries in Florida?

how do you water blueberries in florida

Watering blueberries in Florida is very important.

It’s best to water blueberries once after planting and again about two weeks later, but this isn’t necessary if there has been one inch of rain since the previous watering.

Water only when the top three inches of soil are dry; wait for the morning dew to dry before watering.

Repeat this process when the soil is dry again, even if it hasn’t been a week since last.

The best way to water blueberries in Florida is slowly and deeply at each session rather than several times a day for short periods.

This helps avoid fungal diseases that can kill blueberry bushes.

The soil should be moist at least twelve inches deep, and if you plant in heavy clay or sandy soil, this may mean checking it more frequently than planting in loose loam.

Blueberries like water but cannot tolerate soggy conditions; add organic matter such as compost to improve drainage before planting.

Water the roots only—never the foliage—to avoid spotting and fungal diseases.

How do you fertilize blueberries in Florida?

how do you fertilize blueberries in florida

You can apply a fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20-20-20.

This is recommended to be applied in February and September, during the months before flowering and after harvesting, respectively.

Apply every year at 80% strength (80 lbs per 100 square feet).

You cannot use nitrogen fertilizers high in urea as this will cause your blueberries to have a bitter taste.

How long does it take to grow blueberries in Florida?

how long does it take to grow blueberries in florida

Blueberries can take up to three years before they produce fruit.

Average blueberry bushes start flowering in March and April, but they can flower as early as January or February.

Blueberry flowers are delicate, and the wind will scatter their pollen from one bush to another giving a more successful bearing of fruits.


Blueberry fruit has many health benefits, they’re easy to grow, and the bushes usually produce a lot of berries on them.

This makes it great for those looking at growing their fruits or vegetables.

Having fresh organic food available right outside your doorstep is always better than having to go out and buy it from the store.

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