Stay Young Looking By Eating More Blueberries

Everybody wants to look younger, right? According to the USDA, one of the best ways to fight unwanted wrinkles associated with aging is right there in the produce section of your favorite grocery store: blueberries!

The reason blueberries are so good for the antiaging process is because they contain a high level of antioxidants. Antioxidants are responsible for slowing or stopping the potential damage that can be created by free radicals in your body. Free radicals are particles that create chaos like cancer, changing LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol so it attaches to your arteries, and causing wrinkles in skin. These are all aging factors, and antioxidants will combat these factors.

Among most of the everyday fruits and vegetables, blueberries have one of the highest amount of antioxidants! Most of that is contained in the anthocyanins which is responsible for the beautiful blue color associated with blueberries. In addition, blueberries can improve brain function and vision, and slow the loss of motor coordination, memory, and inflammation which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Some doctors believe that blueberries can reverse memory loss and are recommending adding 4 ounces of blueberries to your diet every day to stay young and healthy. This would double the amount of antioxidants most Americans receive daily.

Some successful studies include giving blueberry extract to rats that subsequently showed increased speed, coordination, balance and even memory. The Japanese and the Europeans are touting the blueberry for its positive effects on vision including eyestrain relief, better night vision, and adjustment to brightness. However, there is one possible snag with blueberries. They have a high mold count, and those with mold sensitivities should not consume them.

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